List Categories and Listings by R
Results 141 - 154 of 154
Recto: Self portrait sketches. verso biblical sketches DRA/313
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stamplower left
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typemedium weight watercolour cream
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinglandscape, nude
Paper typelight weight, crisp, smooth
R;Thames at low tide. Vesro seated lady. .DRA/250
riverbank with industrial buildings, 1 boat on the river sketch of a barge in the sky area
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes lower right hand corner
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typesketchbook page light gray
Recto: Bridge over the Wilts-Dorset Canal, watercolour Verso: studies of trees DRA/253
One of several drawings of this subject
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Condition reportdamages and loss in upper right corner
Vertical tear centre lower edge
Water damage / stain on upper right
Tear in upper centre leaving a dark line, this tear has a repair on the verso using thin tissue paper
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typemedium weight cartridge paper
River scene . . . .DRA/255
low tide or water level
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinglandscape, sketch for a painting
Paper typeGrey/ buff
Recto: Pastoral archway with pedestrian. Verso figure studies
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Studio stampyes , lower left
Condition reportsound
Paper typelaid, cream
Roughed in watercolour landscape . . . .DRA/260
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)watercolour
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typeheavy cartridge.
Recto: Pastoral scene Verso Grazing cow. . . ... . .DRA/261
Mononochrome (Bistre) Watercolour brushwork
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)watercolour
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportloss in upper right
Paper typewarm grey
River washed out, violet foreground. ...DRA/262
watercolour and conté crayon
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typestiff medium weight watercolour
Recto: Preparatory sketch in blue of the embankment, spire in the distance: verso:figure study DRA/264
pencil & watercolour
bare trees along centre, buildings on RHS work has been squared up, squares mostly visible on edges, erased over most f the image area.
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Studio stampyes lower right hand corner
Condition reportsound, light smudging.
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typestiff, medium weight, smooth
R: Pencil landscape V: pencil landscape ... .. . . . DRA/265
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes lower right hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typeGrey/ buff
Riverbank. R; Working the Sails , , , ,V: idem detail. DRA/281
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reportsound
Paper typesand colour, medium weight textured surface
R:Flat treed landscape, with stormy sky . . V Treed landscape . DRA/287
Verso: Brown stained areas corresponding to staiing on Recto
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)watercolour
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reporttop area shows multiple circular black circles, probably result of biological activity
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typecream smooth
R..Fete champtre. V: idem
pen & ink. white crayon
R three figures in a landscape V: idem
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander box 5
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingclassical, sketch for a painting
Subject3 figures in a lndscae
Paper typemedium weight, grey/blue