List Categories and Listings by D
Drawing of a dog
Drawing of a dog, seated facing. green paper, black conte, white Crayon
Discontinued landscape, watercolour washes
light washes colour, foreground green, middle distance yellow / brown, distance blue, sky pale mauve. studio stamp
Drawing of Anna McEvoy, aged approx 13
Drawing of Anna McEvoy, daughter of the artist.almost profile. wearing pearls.
Domestic work
pencil drawing of a lady possibly laying out clothing for ironing, hat and jacket hanging up on wall.
Drawing of a young girl
drawing of a young girl with a necklace, cream paper. Appears to be a copy
Drapery study, seated lady
Pencil drawing on light blue paper. Lady seated, upright from shoulders to below knees with hands folded on lap.drawing in pencil with highlights in white crayon.
Drapery study, lady at a table
drapery study in pencil & white crayon on blue grey paper. Subject, (young lady with a bun) seated ( Victorian balloon back chair) at a round three legged table. Right arm outstretched. Additional studies of right hand upper right.
Draped standing figure (mourning)
Draped standing figure, possibly statue
Drawing of a young lady in a hat
Pencil drawing of a young lady in a hat. the drawing has had a mat resulting in darkening in the area of the drawing more pronounced at the edges of the mat. Lower edge doubled back. in the crease he colour is much lighter than recto or verso, ..pale cr ...
Drapery study, seated lady
Lady seated at a table, drapery study. Pencil and white chalk. light grey paper
DRA/ 1157 Mme Lousada at her home. areas of dark pencil, in mat
dark areas of composition heavily pencilled in
DRA/1155 Mrs Lousada at her home, pencil, pen & ink + watercolour
drawing in mat
DRA/748, M SLADE 5, Anatomy
DRA/741, M SLADE 1, Anatomy
3 pages from notebook
DRA/728 Woman in coat
DRA/722. Rapid sketch 4 officers
Folded. Probably letter page, verso Lt Commander Buckle.