List Categories and Listings by P
Portrait of a Lady
Conte drawing on grey paper;acidic matt
Portrait 1/2 length of a lady
Lady 1/2 length facing artist, hair tied back,/ seated, hands on lap White body colour in face torso and eyes
Pont D'Avignon
Line drawing (tracing) of the bridge of Avignon, pencil inscription on lower left 123. & Bridge at Avignon pencil inscription lower centre mount and Frame.
Portrait of a girl
Full face drawing, pencil & white chalk on blue/grey paper.
Pencil Portrait of a lady looking down
portrait of a lady facing down, hair parted in centre. Pencil on cream paper.
Pencil & watercolour portrait of a lady
portrait of a lady, almost full face. grey paper, heavy use of pencil and light watercolour wash, light use of watercolour, blue eyes.
Page of sketches.. Pencil study of man in hat + several other smaller
Pencil study of man in a hat, 3/4 rear, includes several other small partial head studies
pastel portrait of a lady
Pastel portrait, lady head tilted looking at viewer. Yellow background black dress.
portrait, lady head resting on hand
pencil portrait of a lady, looking at viewer. pencil on cream paper , not yellow as in photo.
Portrait study of a lady, in profile
Pencil study of a lady in profile, short hair. VERSO: study of two hands. one writing
Portrait study of a young boy
pencil drawing of a young seated, leaning forward.
pencil copy of a figure in a landscape, copy after Gainsborough
seated figure with a mirror in an landscape
portrait study Anais
portrait study, sitter seated looking at viewer, seated sideways chin on hand. stamp lower LHS
portrait sketch 3/4 length
study/ sketch for a 3/4 length portrait, background green / brown studio stamp watermark. JWHAT
P1020668 rough drawing on paper from Chilham castle
slight drawing on headed stationary
P1130576 Townscape
Pencil townscape studio stamp
Pencil and brown wash full length drawing : Anais
full length standing figure, right hand raised to chin, left crossed over body. studio stamp
Playing \"Old maid\" DRA/723
Folded. Card players