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Results 121 - 140 of 154
Riverside activity
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
R: Portrait study....V:.Standing nude in profile. 1179
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil and ink wash
Category of drawingsketch for a painting
Paper typecream
Recto, Young girl kneeling in prayer....Verso: Drapery study, woman in cloak seated at a table
Pencil and white crayon
Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 6
Condition reportsound
Paper typegrey/blue stiff
Recto Pencil sketch of figure verso lady seated reading
paper is folded with drapery study on exterior and on the interior a study of a lady reading: watercolour and gouache.
Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 6
Condition reportthe paper in the area of the fold is very weak. The two images are separate and not affected
Category of drawingfigure
Subject 1 drapery ..2 figure reading
Paper typeblue/grey
Recto: Woman at stove, table and cat in foreground. verso:drapery study
Recto Squared up drawing of a kitchen with table & chairs Verso drapery study, red conte and white
Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 6
Medium (select)crayon
Condition reportsound with some smudging
Category of drawinginterior
Paper typelight brown
Recto:2 preliminary sketches \"the sewing lesson verso quick figure studies
pencil & ink wash
Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 6
Paper typewatermark \"allan.....\"
Recto: Pencil sketch of Ambrose McEvoy in profile. verso: male nude
Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy
Recto: Watercolour Industrial Building. Verso:3 scenes of card players
Recto: Indrstrial buildings with chimney set i hilly landscape, probably Freshford, Somerset. Verso: scenes, card players (pencil pen & ink)
Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy
Recto: Sketch, biblical scene in a landscape. verso: studies for angel faces
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil
Height (inches)23
Width (inches)30
Category of drawingbiblical
Paper typeBuff
Recto:Pencil study for annunciation. Verso; Biblical scene
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Recto:Lady standing on a beach Verso Standing nude. DRA/1251
Stamp recto & verso Recto:Pencil & watercolour wash
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil and ink wash
Height (inches)56
Width (inches)41
Condition reportSound
Category of drawingfigure, nude
Paper typeheavy watercolour
Recto: B&W preliminary portrait full face, Verso: scrubbed out profile
Recto: Stamp ...... Verso Stamp
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 8
Medium (select)watercolour
Height (inches)55
Width (inches)38
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typeheavy watercolour
R:figure standing in swimming suiit. V:... pencil portrait
R..stamp V....Stamp Verso is about life size or slightly over
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 8
Medium (select)pencil
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typeHeavy watercolour , watermark 1924 ENGLAND. . .B
Recto: Courtyard interior, Verso portrait
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Studio stampno
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typecream, fine surface, light
religious scene outlines blocked in
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes
Condition reportDiagonal stain on lower left off the mage area
Category of drawingbiblical
Running Archer
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes
Condition reportbottom left corner dogeared, paper weak, tear on lower left
Category of drawingclassical
Paper typemedium brown
Recto Street scene bright colours. verso figure studies
Recto... pencil and watercolour
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander box 9
Medium (select)watercolour
Studio stampyes
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typecream
Recto: Beachscape Verso Outdoor biblical scene virgin's face pencilled in
Recto: Headland on RHS, horizon at 1/3 from lower edge verso: man with outstretched arms. face of virgin pencilled in.
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander box 4
Medium (select)watercolour
Studio stamprecto & verso
Condition reportsound, tear at lower edge centre, appears recent
Category of drawingbiblical
Paper typeheavy watercolour
River with town in middle distance. DRA/294
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stamplower right
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typeblue/grey. medium weight