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Results 81 - 100 of 120
Street scene . DRA/605
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Studio stampno
Condition reportsound, top right corner folded
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typesketchbook page, thin fine, smooth
Seated lady . . DRA/596
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reportfoxed, more visible with transmitted light
Category of drawingfigure
Paper typelaid vertical watermark above escutcheon, beneath lette...
Sketches . . .DRA/576
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsmudged, weak at bottom right hand corner
Category of drawingfigure
Paper typecartridge
Settignano Child's head Aug11 1902 DRA/568
dated August 11 1902
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Studio stampno
Condition reportsound, a bit smudged
Paper typecut from sheet
Sketch Man 3/4 l, formal dress . . .DRA/556
lightning sketch
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes lower left hand corner
Condition reportdiscoloured around edges
Paper typesquared
Singer . . DRA/554
line drawing lightning sketch
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportPaper discoloured
Category of drawingfigure
Paper typesquared 1/4\"
Self Portrait . . . DRA/533
pen, pencil
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Condition reportsound, a bit smudged
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typecut out from sheet, smooth
Self portrait sketch. DRA/528
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typecut out from sheet, cream/smooth
Storm brewing, London Park:. ...DRA/525
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Condition reportold tear on lower right
Category of drawingtownscape, landscape, figure
Paper typesmooth cream
Seated man addressing a crowd. . . . DRA/520
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportsound, paper thin but O.K. ha been folded
Category of drawingbiblical
Paper typethin, smooth surface, cream
Street scene with soldiers. . . . DRA/390
Pencil, ink & watercolour
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Medium (select)pen & wash
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typecream/grey. medium weight, smooth
Soldiers in an interior . .326ch
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 7
Category of drawingWW1, interior
shell damaged city. DRA/374
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes lower left hand cornerappears sound
Condition reportappears sound, but in transmitted light there is a very transparent area of loss on centre left and areas of lesser loss, these losses are not noticeable on he surface.
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typelaid, smooth, cream /grey Watermark \" S...O\" ABSORBEN...
Self portrait study in front of a window . . .DRA/304 . . (367ch)
charcoal & watercolour
Edit: Lydia's handwriting looks like DRA/304, but I think this is DRA/309, which was "missing" Charcoal & watercolour wash (Payne's grey?) Yes this was also DRA/309 but is definitely DRA/304 of which we have 2.
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typelight watercolour cream/grey
Sketch of a baby sleeping
Stamp Pen, ink & pencil
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Category of drawingportrait /head
Sketch of a woman in a shawl looking back
pencil & white crayon
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 5
Studio stampno
Condition reportpaper and drawing sound. Many black circular spots (appear to be fungal), more noticeable on the.versp
Category of drawingclassical
Seated woman with infant small child standing (Mary, Michael & Anna)
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)pencil
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectmother, son & baby
Paper typeBuff
Street vendor & study of a lady in a hat
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Self-portrait, on card, cut out
Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
LocationSolander Box R
Studio stampno
Condition reportDrawing in pencil & ink
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typecardstock