List Categories and Listings by C

Crouching nude . . .      1121

Crouching nude . . . 1121


LocationSolander Box 9
Medium (select)
Category of drawingnude
Charcoal sketch, seated nude             1152

Charcoal sketch, seated nude 1152


LocationSolander Box 9
Category of drawingnude
Paper typegrey
Christ on the cross

Christ on the cross

pend black & white crayon

LocationSolander Box 6
Condition reportfragile, folded and torn around the edges
Category of drawingbiblical
Paper typeblue grey laid
Col  Spencer Edwards

Col Spencer Edwards

LocationSolander Box 6

Charging cavalry sketches

folded sheet of paper, dimensions given for folded size quick sketches on folded sheet of thin paper.

LocationSolander box 5
Medium (select)
Studio stampno
Condition reportpaper thin & yellowed
Category of drawinggenre

Continental street looking uphill . . . DRA/291

LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)
Studio stamplower left
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typecream, smooth

Country Road, bare trees & hayricks in middle distance DRA/292

Drawing of a country road, fields on RHS blue chalk on verso for tracing. areas to be traced marked heavily in pencil

LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportDirty top centre, old fold along lower 1/5th, dirty on area of fold. loss on centre lower edge. Blue chalk on verso for tracing
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typelight weight watercolour, cream

Cityscape, buildings in mid-distance. . .river & waterfront in foreground . . DRA/297

LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)
Studio stampyes lower right hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typelight brown, thin stiff

Cottages. . . .DRA/258

LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)
Studio stamplower right
Condition reportpaper sound with fold on LHS
Category of drawingtownscape, landscape
Paper typeGrey/ buff