List Categories and Listings by 0-9
391ch. Priscilla
pencil Pencil drawing of a seated lady, in mat. studio stamp pencil inscription lower right " 4. piscilla" note, drawing is in a closed mat, measurements are of the mat window.
397ch. preliminary sketch
441 cityscape with trees
Building on RHS, tree in centre, quickly sketched in conte crayon
449 pencil study lady in a dress
study for a portrait 3/4 length body almost profile head facing viewer verso: Line drawing of a lady i profile table & glass in foreground
458 alleyway leading to the sea
Slight pencil drawing, upright
463. watercolour scrubbed over with black 463
watercolour covered after with black.
603. Boy in Eton jacket (Michael)
Boy in Eaton jacket standing in an interior. Subject standing one leg forward lit from front strong shadow. studio stamp lower right
611 Watercolour portrait 3/4 length of a lady in profile
studio stamp
615 full length portrait study
Full length study of a young lady in a long dress, body in profile, head turned toward the viewer, pencil, black and blue watercolour WATERMARK Y MILL. 1913 . . . ENGLAND B N
630 Watercolour portrait partially scrubbed out
portrait study, young lady facing the viewer, face and surrounding area mostly scrubbed out
712CH unknown
735 figure study B & W
Slight black watercolour sketch for a painting, studio stamp
740 full face portrait study
full face study of a young lady in a cloche hat
741 3/4 length portrait study
pencil & conté drawing of a girl, head and torso.
743 2 slight beginnings of a portrait study
Two very preliminary starts of portrait sketches studio stamp
1193 Two figure studies, one nude other clothed, standing facing viewer
1921 Portrait study, young lady
portrait study of a woman studio stamp
210ch. rough sketch
211ch. landscape sketch
faint slightly drawn sketch on yellowed paper
212 3/4 length portrait study
standing female figure, figure loosely drawn, head more detailed