Works on Paper - Mary McEvoy

Drawings and watercolours by Mary McEvoy.

Draped standing figure (mourning)

Draped standing figure (mourning)

Draped standing figure, possibly statue

LocationSolander Box 6
Medium (select)
Year (earliest)1926
Year (latest)1938
Condition reportSound, some splashes descending from LHS 1/3 up towards centre, some over the drawing
Subjectstanding figure, draped
Paper typeLaid grey,
Recto: Drawing of lady seated with hat and veil ......Verso  watercolour idem

Recto: Drawing of lady seated with hat and veil ......Verso watercolour idem

Recto Conte watercolour crayon, verso

Recto:Conte drawing of a young lady, hair up with a hat and veil. seated with right hand on lap and left supported ( parasol) Verso; watercolour and wash

LocationSolander Box 6
Medium (select)
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingportrait /head, figure
Subjectseated lady
Paper typesmooth, fine, cream
Recto, study of hanging drapery.    Verso: seated dog (one of several drawings of same dog)

Recto, study of hanging drapery. Verso: seated dog (one of several drawings of same dog)

LocationSolander Box 6
Medium (select)
Year (earliest)1926
Year (latest)1941
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingfamily
Paper typesmooth light buff
Seaside landscape, heavy clouds, bright sun.

Seaside landscape, heavy clouds, bright sun.

Pencil and watercolour wash drawing of a seaside road with people walking, strong shadows, and heavy storm clouds looming, probably a student copy

LocationSolander Box 6
Medium (select)
Year (earliest)1895
Year (latest)1900
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typesmooth

copy drapery study in a landscape

Pencil drapery study of a lady out of doors, probably a copy

LocationSolander Box 6
Medium (select)
Height (inches)1
Width (inches)1
Year (earliest)1895
Year (latest)1900
Condition reportsound
Subjectfigure in a landscape
Paper typegreen / grey