Width (cm): 37

439ch  trees on the embankment, contre jour

439ch trees on the embankment, contre jour

pencil, crayon, watercolour

Pencil and wash drawing of trees beside the embankment, drawing done facing the sun with shadows facing diagonally towards viewer. very rapid sketch

LocationSolander Box R
Medium (select)
Condition reportseverely deteriorated on the right hand side, mostly off the image area
Category of drawingtownscape, sketch for a painting
Subjecttrees by the embankment
Paper typegrey / yellow
Watercolour, soldiers in town. DRA/357

Watercolour, soldiers in town. DRA/357

LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)
Studio stampyes lower right hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingWW1, sketch for a painting
Paper typeheavy watercolour

Recto: Beachscape Verso Outdoor biblical scene virgin's face pencilled in

Recto: Headland on RHS, horizon at 1/3 from lower edge verso: man with outstretched arms. face of virgin pencilled in.

LocationSolander box 4
Medium (select)
Studio stamprecto & verso
Condition reportsound, tear at lower edge centre, appears recent
Category of drawingbiblical
Paper typeheavy watercolour

R: Pencil landscape V: pencil landscape ... .. . . . DRA/265

LocationSolander Box 2
Medium (select)
Studio stampyes lower right hand corner
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typeGrey/ buff