Height (cm): 10.5

DRA/464. R: 6 figures, 3 carrying a (sling) V: crossed out bleed through

brush & ink

R: Brush & ink drawing for a composition. V: Crossed out

LocationSolander Box 5
Condition reportfragile
Category of drawingsketch for a painting
Paper typethin, dark buff

Man & woman outdoors . . DRA/622

pen & ink wash

Lady in a long dress, man in bowler hat gesticulating. heavy shadow on ground.

LocationSolander Box 5
Studio stampno
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinggenre, landscape
Paper typecut out from sheet, paper ruled with rectangles

Lady in a hat, profile DRA/526

LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingstudent
Paper typeThin , smooth, laid, partial watermark (M or N)