Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 456 - 460 of 1107
street corner steeple on left
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Studio stampno
Condition reportsomewhat yellowed
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typeruled
Street with temple å trees
fine line drawing of subject on ruled paper
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Condition reportlower part crumpled, somewhat yellowed
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typethin, fine, smooth ruled paper
R: Horse & cart Blotted out ink background
Verso: Bleed through
LocationSolander Box 5
Studio stampno
Condition reportyellowed smudged
Category of drawinglandscape
Paper typeRuled
DRA/440 R: Sketch Cattle & Tree
pencil & ink wash
pencil and ink wash drawing
LocationSolander Box 5
Studio stampno
Condition reportpaper ruled, yellowed, smudged
Category of drawinglandscape, student
Paper typeRuled
man carrying lumber
man carrying lumber, courtyard in background. identical paper to DRA437 (verso printed ruled line)
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pen and ink
Studio stampno
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingtownscape
Paper typecream, smooth ruled line on verso