Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 441 - 445 of 1107
DRA/471. R: Self portrait V: fragment of a pen & ink drawing
small drawing cut cut out of a sheet of paper,
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportdrawing faint, paper sound.
Subjectself portrait
Paper typegrey/cream
DRA/472. R: upright landscape riverside lamp post on LHS
R: pen and ink drawing ofandscape V: Transfer of above
LocationSolander Box 5
DRA/449. R: Two men seated opposite each other. V: Bleed through?
sheet of paper folded in centre
LocationSolander Box 5
Category of drawingsketch for a painting
DRA/450. R: Lock and lock keepers house V: Bleed through
Pen & ink line drawing on cut out sheet of paper.
LocationSolander Box 5
Subjectlock gate
Paper typecut out from sheet
DRA/451. composition sketch for biblical scene, man standing, angel Kneeling
Recto: stamp composition framed, drawing pin hole in upper left; Verso; drawing o a girl, hair up
LocationSolander Box 5
Category of drawingbiblical, sketch for a painting