Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 36 - 40 of 1107
420 ch. Desk at Barings bank
pencil study for desk in group portrait of the directors of Barings bank, Painting is in the Baring Archive . . Listed Messrs Baring Brothers & Co, ref Pr 045
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound, torn off at top.
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectdesk at Baring's bank
Paper typegrey, medium weightrougfh
421ch desk at Baring's Bank
pencil drawing of a desk, rapid preparatory sketch for the paining of the directors in the Baring Archive.
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinginterior
Paper typebuff
422ch 2 persons seated at desk(Barings Bank)
two persons seated at a desk (Directors Baring's Bank?). pencil rapidly drawn preparatory sketch.
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectbank directors Barings
Paper typegrey, medium weight
423ch steps
drawing of some steps, study for a painting.
LocationSolander Box 1
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportgenerally sound, brown stains on upper left corner mostly off image area
Category of drawinginterior
Paper typesmooth, light grey
439ch trees on the embankment, contre jour
pencil, crayon, watercolour
Pencil and wash drawing of trees beside the embankment, drawing done facing the sun with shadows facing diagonally towards viewer. very rapid sketch
LocationSolander Box R
Medium (select)pencil and ink wash
Condition reportseverely deteriorated on the right hand side, mostly off the image area
Category of drawingtownscape, sketch for a painting
Subjecttrees by the embankment
Paper typegrey / yellow