Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 301 - 305 of 1107
265ch . Biblical scene: figures in a landscape
Pencil & Conte crayon
Two figures in the foreground. two and landscape in the background. Outline sketched in. stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinggenre, landscape, family, sketch for a painting
Subjectbiblical scene
266ch Biblical scene? Three standing figures
pencil, watercolour, body colour
stamp . Mixed media oil, body colour, watercolour
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)watercolour
Condition report Torn along upper edge
Category of drawingbiblical
Paper typeheavy cream
267ch two figures in riding gear
two standing figures in riding gear
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound
SubjectTwo figures in riding gear
Paper typeblue grey
268ch . Interior with figures, nurse and patient
standing figure (with trolley?) & reclining figure stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound, smudging over face of figure on RHS
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectnurse and patient
Paper typebrown
269 ch two figures in a landscape biblical/ classical
watercolour, pencil, watercolour wash
Two figures in a landscape, classical building in the background stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)watercolour
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingclassical
Subjectbiblical / classical two figures
Paper typeblue grey