Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 291 - 295 of 1107
255ch interior, woman standing by the window reading
pencil, white chalk/crayon on blue grey paper
drawing of an interior, woman standing by a window armchair and fireplace in the background. drawing squared up. stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reporthole, lower left, stain lower right
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectwoman by a window reading
Paper typeGrey/ blue
256ch . seated woman
pencil & wash
pencil & wash drawing of a seated lady. stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)pencil and ink wash
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectwoman seated
Paper typebuff
257 four figures in a landscape
watercolour, pencil
Four figures in a landscape, two women in the foreground stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)watercolour
Condition reportsound
Category of drawingsketch for a painting
Subject4 figures in a landscape
Paper typecream
258ch . Four figures
watercolour wash
four figures in an interior stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)watercolour
Year (latest)-5
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectfour figures
Paper typebuff
259ch figures in an interior
watercolour, wash, black, blue & yellow
mostly washed out study of figures in an interior stamp
LocationSolander Box 7
Medium (select)watercolour
Condition reportsound
Category of drawinginterior
Subjectfigur interiores in an
Paper typewarm buff