Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 256 - 260 of 1107
469ch . Large sheet with two figure studies
large sheet of paper with a fold across the centre. One female standing in a long dress holding a large page. sketch of a second head behind. some writing on page.
LocationSolander Box 9
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportlarge sheet of paper, folded, crumpled and torn
Subjectstudy two figures, one with large bookk
470ch f .recto young lady standing, long dress
drawing of a young lady in a long dress, looking down, right forearm raised.
LocationSolander Box 9
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportsound, water stain on lower part of dress
Category of drawingfigure
Subjectyoung lady standing
Paper typelight grey brown
480ch study of plaster cast,Christ Child. Desiderio Da Settignano
pencil date Mar 20th '99 Studio Stamp. Verso: partial studu of same
LocationSolander box 9
Medium (select)pen and ink
Condition reportsound top corner cut off
SubjectPlaster cast after Christ Child after Desiderio da Sett...
Paper typecream
481ch pencil sketch of a young lady
faint rapid portrait sketch of a young lady
LocationSolander Box 9
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportfaint but sound
Subjectportrait sketch young lady
Paper typebrown