Works on Paper - Ambrose McEvoy
Drawings and watercolours by Arthur Ambrose McEvoy.
Results 621 - 625 of 1107
Singer . . DRA/554
line drawing lightning sketch
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Condition reportPaper discoloured
Category of drawingfigure
Paper typesquared 1/4\"
Line Drawing Two women. ...DRA/553
Quick sketch
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes
Condition reportDiscoloured, degraded around edges
Category of drawingfigure
Paper typesquared 1/4\"
moustached face. . . . DRA/552
lightning sketch
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes
Condition reportyellowed
Category of drawingportrait /head
Paper typesquared 1/4\"
Line drawing, reclining person DRA/551
lightning sketch
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes
Condition reportdog eared, discoloured around the edges, yellowed
Category of drawingfigure
Paper typesquared
people in the street . . DRA/549
lightning sketch
LocationSolander Box 5
Medium (select)pencil
Studio stampyes
Condition reporttellowed
Category of drawinggenre
Paper typeyellowed